San Diego Long-Term Care Planning Attorneys

It is never too early to plan ahead. The future can hold anything — stroke, heart attack or any other incapacitating ailment. Protecting yourself and your family sooner than later is a decision you will never regret.

After a lifetime of accruing property, tending to your nest egg and protecting your family assets, you want to be sure these items are ending up in the right hands. You also need to know that you can get the long-term care that you may need. To accomplish this, you need experienced San Diego long-term care planning lawyers, such as those at the Weissler Law Group, at your side.

Nursing Home Plan Lawyers Representing Clients from Chula Vista to Oceanside and Throughout San Diego County

At Weissler Law Group, our California attorneys are highly skilled in long-term care and estate planning legal matters. We work closely with our clients and their families as they protect their nest eggs and take advantage of government benefits.

By making the most of veterans benefits and Medi-Cal, while protecting your assets, our attorneys can help prevent your loved ones from becoming impoverished in the event that any health crisis may occur.

In coming years, the elder laws will be changing in California. These changes will make it more difficult for you to protect the assets you own while you plan for the future. To achieve the benefits of the current, more liberal rules, you must act quickly. By speaking with our skilled elder law attorneys, you can secure the best benefits possible.

Call Weissler Law Group for More Information About Long-Term Care Planning

Our office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. We are also available outside office hours, and we make house calls by appointment. Call 619-281-1888 or 760-487-8180 for more information or complete an online contact form.

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