Estate Planning for Seniors

Estate Planning for Seniors is Different

At the Weissler Law Group we understand that the Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for older adults need to be different. When Attorneys draft Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for young families they are preparing for unexpected disasters to provide a plan to take care of the survivors. In drafting estate planning documents for mature adults and senior seniors the focus shifts.

  • We build in flexibility to deal with the challenges of aging for our Clients throughout San Diego County. We build in provisions to deal with your priorities. The lawyers in our firm pose questions like: “Do you want to stay at home as long as possible even though doing so means that all of your life’s savings is spent?” or “Is it important to you that your nest egg be preserved against long term care costs and passed on to help your children or grandchildren?”.
  • We now include new trust and power of attorney provisions to help our Clients keep control so that even if they need help with paying bills or getting to medical appointments they stay in charge. They maintain control over where they live, who they live with, and who helps them and with what. They maintain control over their standard of living. No one should lose all control over their life just because their Doctor says they cannot manage their day to day affairs. The better determination should be – are you still able to make a knowing choice as to who should manage the challenging aspects of your day to day affairs for you?
  • Providing for adult children and grandchildren is radically different than it was planning for your children when they were young sheltered innocents. It was easier to plan when you could only guess what they might be like when they grew up. Now they have grown. Are they receiving benefits which need to be protected? (SDI, SSI, Medi-Cal, or subsidized housing) Could receiving an inheritance outright hurt them or put them into a place where they would hurt themselves? Would an unrestricted inheritance simply go to pay down bills? Does it matter to you?
  • Do you want to create a structure which benefits your family after you are gone for generations to come?

Contact Us

Each of the lawyers in our firm feels that it is disrespectful to create estate planning documents for anyone over the age of sixty-five without facing these issues or asking these questions. We are one of the few law firms in southern California who ask these questions almost every day. Whether to create a new estate plan, or to update boilerplate wills and trusts, give us a call at either 619-281-1888 or 760-487-8180 orĀ contact us online. We are committed to helping our clients protect their nest eggs, maintain control over their lives, and deal with the challenges of aging. Call us today.

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